Results for 'Stefan S. Gorovei'

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  1.  20
    Debunking Arguments in Ethics, written by H. Sauer.Stefan S. Mićić - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (3-4):457-460.
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    Chapter 15. Paul Tillich and the ‘Dark Night of Faith’ as Mystical Experience.Stefan S. Jaeger - 2017 - In Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning, Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition. De Gruyter. pp. 175-186.
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  3. Moral Intuitions, Moral Facts, and Justification in Ethics.Stefan S. Sencerz - 1992 - Dissertation, The University of Rochester
    A central and fundamental problem in moral philosophy is that of understanding how moral principles and theories can be justified. It involves finding rational solutions to both theoretical problems and to substantial moral questions . According to Moral Intuitionism, some normative judgments, usually called moral intuitions, justify moral principles and theories. Typically, moral intuitionists promise a method that is supposed to yield progress toward finding the answers to ethical disputes and controversies. ;I argue, first, that all versions of moral intuitionism (...)
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    Heartbeat detection and the experience of emotions.Stefan Wiens, Elizabeth S. Mezzacappa & Edward S. Katkin - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (3):417-427.
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    Infantile and adult heart rate patterns in cats during aversive conditioning.S. Stefan Soltysik, George Wolfe, José Garcia-Sanchez & Thomas Nicholas - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (1):51-54.
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    A Multilevel Investigation of Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents: The Relationships Between Self-Perceived Emotion Regulation, Vagally Mediated Heart Rate Variability, and Personal Factors Associated With Resilience.Sjur S. Sætren, Stefan Sütterlin, Ricardo G. Lugo, Sandra Prince-Embury & Guido Makransky - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  7. Osnovi na marksistkata filosofii︠a︡: [uchebnik za studentite ot VUZ.Stefan T︠S︡onevski, Kiril Vasilev, Peĭko Slavov & Ilii︠a︡ Tasev (eds.) - 1979 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Filosofsʹki tvory: v trʹokh tomakh.Stefan Iavors kyi, I. V. Paslavs kyi & I. S. Zakhara - 1992 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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    Girl in the cellar: a repeated cross-sectional investigation of belief in conspiracy theories about the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch.Stefan Stieger, Nora Gumhalter, Ulrich S. Tran, Martin Voracek & Viren Swami - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Is the “Histone Code” an Organic Code?Stefan Kühn & Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr - 2014 - Biosemiotics 7 (2):203-222.
    Post-translational histone modifications and their biological effects have been described as a ‘histone code’. Independently, Barbieri used the term ‘organic code’ to describe biological codes in addition to the genetic code. He also provided the defining criteria for an organic code, but to date the histone code has not been tested against these criteria. This paper therefore investigates whether the histone code is a bona fide organic code. After introducing the use of the term ‘code’ in biology, the criteria a (...)
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    Dynamic network participation of functional connectivity hubs assessed by resting-state fMRI.Alexander Schaefer, Daniel S. Margulies, Gabriele Lohmann, Krzysztof J. Gorgolewski, Jonathan Smallwood, Stefan J. Kiebel & Arno Villringer - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Denken der Individualität: Festschrift für Josef Simon zum 65.Geburstag im August 1995.Thomas S. Hoffmann & Stefan Majetschak (eds.) - 1995 - De Gruyter.
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    Orchestrating neuronal networks: sustained after-effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation depend upon brain states.Toralf Neuling, Stefan Rach & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  14. Vicissitudes in the Theory of Socialist Realism: A little lesson in history not to be ignored.Stefan Morawski & S. Alexander - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (36):110-136.
    There are only three distinct temporal relationships between art and theory: either the development of new events precedes theory, or both develop side by side, or theory anticipates the appearance of the new artistic current. This temporal relationship is, to some degree, fundamental in the relationship between both phenomena. If one is dealing with the first case, theories of art serve only to redress a balance. The art-theory introduces nothing in any way new; it serves only to explain an artistic (...)
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    Omnipotent pexgos and the goddess parsimony.S. Stefan Soltysik - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):76-77.
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    Morphologische Varianz und semantische Konkurrenz: Verbalabstrakta im Rig-Veda.Jared S. Klein & Stefan Niederreiter - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):186.
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    (1 other version)Aristotle's Metaphysics Lambda: annotated critical edition based upon systematic investigation of Greek, Latin, Arabic and Hebrew sources.Stefan Alexandru - 2011 - Athens: Ekdoseis To Palimpsēston. Edited by Aristotle.
    In this annotated critical edition of Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda Stefan Alexandru draws upon many hitherto unexplored sources of the direct and indirect tradition, inter alia upon an independent Greek manuscript he has discovered in the Vatican Library.
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    Humans first: Why people value animals less than humans.Lucius Caviola, Stefan Schubert, Guy Kahane & Nadira S. Faber - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105139.
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    Victory: The Triumph and Tragedy of Just War. By Cian O’Driscoll. Oxford—New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. ix, 172. £63.00. [REVIEW]S. J. Stefan Hofmann - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (5):1023-1023.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 5, Page 1023-1023, September 2022.
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    Wittgenstein’s Criticism of the “Atmosphere” Conception of Meaningin PI § 117.Stefan Giesewetter - 2018 - Wittgenstein-Studien 9 (1):203-225.
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    Transcranial alternating current stimulation: a review of the underlying mechanisms and modulation of cognitive processes. [REVIEW]Christoph S. Herrmann, Stefan Rach, Toralf Neuling & Daniel Strüber - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    (1 other version)Life is unfair, and so are racing sports: some athletes can randomly benefit from alerting effects due to inconsistent starting procedures.Edwin S. Dalmaijer, Beorn G. Nijenhuis & Stefan Van der Stigchel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Sartre’s Violent Man as a Gnostic Nihilist.Ştefan Bolea - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:5-13.
    Sartre’s description of violence from his often-neglected Notebooks for an Ethics can be analyzed from a psychological point of view in relationship with other negative passions like hatred, fury, pain and sufferance. Literary characters such as Seneca’s Medea or Anouilh’s Antigone seem to embody this fundamental characteristic of violence: the alliance with an ontological striving for destruction. In this paper we provide an interpretation of the Sartrean portrait of the violent man, analyzing its connections with his existential doctrine from Being (...)
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    Simplicity and Economy in Bolzano’s Theory of Grounding.Stefan Peter Https://Orcidorg Roski & Antje Rumberg - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):469-496.
    This paper is devoted to Bolzano’s theory of grounding (Abfolge) in his Wissenschaftslehre. Bolzanian grounding is an explanatory consequence relation that is frequently considered an ancestor of the notion of metaphysical grounding. The paper focuses on two principles that concern grounding in the realm of conceptual sciences and relate to traditionally widespread ideas on explanations: the principles, namely, that grounding orders conceptual truths from simple to more complex ones (Simplicity), and that it comes along with a certain theoretical economy among (...)
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  25. David Hume's Moral Science and the Illusions of Common Life.Stefan H. Kalt - 2003 - Dissertation, Boston University
    The dissertation addresses the relationship between common sense, skepticism, and naturalistic science in Hume. It is argued that Hume's moral science uncovers numerous common illusions of visual and moral perception; it is not a defense of common-sense experience. ;Firstly, Hume views the ordinary experience of causation and external reality as illusory. The former experience is a projection of human expectation; the latter a conflation of perceptions. ;Secondly, it is argued that, according to Hume, the moral judge overlooks his biases by (...)
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    Age of second language acquisition in multilinguals has an impact on gray matter volume in language-associated brain areas.Anelis Kaiser, Leila S. Eppenberger, Renata Smieskova, Stefan Borgwardt, Esther Kuenzli, Ernst-Wilhelm Radue, Cordula Nitsch & Kerstin Bendfeldt - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Berkeley’s Apparent Cartesianism in De Motu.Stefan Sean Gordon Storrie - 2012 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 94 (3):353-366.
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    Klafki's model of didaktik analysis and lesson planning in teacher education.Stefan Hopmann - 2000 - In Ian Westbury, Stefan Hopmann & Kurt Riquarts, Teaching as a reflective practice: the German Didaktik tradition. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 197--206.
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    Ethical Ramifications of the Dark Side of Business Practices in the International Business Area.Nebojsa S. Davcik, Piyush Sharma & Stefan Markovic - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    The dark side of international business practices has attracted significant research attention recently. However, researchers are struggling to delve into the ethical ramifications of these practices because of a limited understanding of ethical and digital transformation issues in international business, which may be caused, inter alia, by sociocultural and market disparities, lack of regulatory frameworks, information asymmetries, data ubiquity, and power imbalance among key stakeholders. This paper addresses this important gap through four key themes—ethical considerations, data processing issues, legal considerations, (...)
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    Nature's way of optimizing.Stefan Boettcher & Allon Percus - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 119 (1-2):275-286.
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    A Riemannian Modification of Artifact Subspace Reconstruction for EEG Artifact Handling.Sarah Blum, Nadine S. J. Jacobsen, Martin G. Bleichner & Stefan Debener - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    DeLillo's Thing: Democracy and Reason in Underworld.Stefan Mattessich - 2007 - Theory and Event 10 (3).
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  33. Democracy as a Non‐Hegemonic Struggle? Disambiguating Chantal Mouffe's Agonistic Model of Politics.Stefan Rummens - 2009 - Constellations 16 (3):377-391.
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    Adorno's Anthropology.Stefan Breuer - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):15-31.
    Anniversary commemorations are ambivalent events, particularly when they celebrate philosophers. Such commemorations focus on a life's work and occasionally contribute to its elucidation. However, they frequently do violence to those they intend to honor, by emphasizing primarily those aspects of a thinker's work which make him acceptable to the spirit of the age. And such was the fate of Theodor Adorno, whose eightieth birthday was observed in 1983 at a major conference, held in Frankfurt, West Germany. There his interpreters, embarked (...)
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    5 halbig’s value realism.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 79-102.
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    Cosmologies et cosmogonies dans la littérature antique: huit exposés suivis de discussions et d'un épilogue.Stefan M. Maul, Therese Fuhrer, Michael Erler & Pascale Derron (eds.) - 2015 - Vandoeuvres: Fondation Hardt.
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    Dekart i matematizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ta na sveta.Stefan Popov - 2017 - Sofii︠a︡: Altera.
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    Professor Mmaa's Lecture.Stefan Themerson & Bertrand Russell - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 21 (4):584-585.
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    Nietzsche's Thinking in Relationship with the Aesthetical.Stefan Maftei - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):26-41.
    This paper debates the new theories of philosophical and aesthetical discourse by applying them to Nietzsche’s thinking on art. The article consists of four general subjects, each of them focusing on an essential part of Nietzsche’s special relationship to art: 1) Art generated by the philosophical text itself, through the form of the fragment; 2) The artistic relationship as an interdisciplinary ground for philosophical knowledge of the world (especially as applied in Nietzsche’s and Schopenhauer’s work); 3) A critical debate on (...)
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    Author's Response.Stefan Collini - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas 68 (3):395-405.
    In addressing the main points made by the five discussants, this response acknowledges possible failures of execution in the writing of Absent Minds. But it reaffirms the value of examining British traditions of debate about "the question of intellectuals" in analytical and comparative terms; it emphasizes that the figures and episodes discussed in some detail were not selected to be representative of political affiliations or of gender of any other identity apart from that of having made a significant or revealing (...)
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    7 scanlon’s reasons fundamentalism.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 120-146.
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  42. Bolzano's Conception of Grounding.Stefan Roski - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann Verlag.
    Not all truths are on a par. The realm of truths is structured: some propositions are only true because others are. The relation that endows the realm of truths with this structure is often called grounding. Grounding has achieved much attention in 21st century metaphysics, but the topic is arguably as old as philosophy itself. -/- This becomes apparent when investigating the works of the 19th-century philosopher Bernard Bolzano, who developed what is perhaps the first comprehensive theory of grounding, drawing (...)
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    Prawda ekonomiczna według Jana Pawła II.O. S. B. O. Leon Stefan Knabit - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):13-18.
    It is important to specify terms – the truth is conformity of a word to a thing or an event, whereas a lie is making the truth unavailable to someone who has the right to it. John Paul II promoted the essential truth that a man is God’s creation; God knows what is good for his creation; human person is God’s image, then should act in such a manner that the image is clear. Faith has moral dimension-it is moral dimension. (...)
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  44. Filosofii︠a︡ marksizma i sovremennai︠a︡ nauchno-tekhnicheskai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡: XV Vsemirnyĭ filosofskiĭ kongress.Stefan Angelov & Teodor Il ich Oizerman (eds.) - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    On (philosophical) suffering and not knowing one's way about (yet) in educational philosophy. Reply to Christiane Thompson.Stefan Ramaekers - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (1):17-22.
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  46. Sot︠s︡ialisticheskii︠a︡t nachin na zhivot i nravstvenoto razvitie na lichnostta.Stefan Angelov, Vasil Momov & Dimitŭr Iv Georgiev (eds.) - 1978 - [s.l.]: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Taking Polanyi's concept of tacit knowing to episodes of intuitive acting.Stefan Fothe - 2010 - Appraisal 8 (1).
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  48. Adam Smith's Deism.Stefan Zabieglik - 2004 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 49.
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    Native American Dis/possessions: Postcolonial Trauma in Hitchcock’s Vertigo.Stefan Ecks - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):141-156.
    The Ohlone, the original settlers of the San Francisco region, were violently dispossessed by successive colonial regimes, first Spanish, then US American. The colonial trauma was written out of history, and by the 20th century anthropologists pronounced the Ohlone to be ‘extinct’. In this article, I explore how the dispossession of the Ohlone haunt one of the greatest movies of all time: Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958). Although Vertigo is one of the most-analysed films ever, no one has noticed that Carlotta (...)
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    Pragmatism : Diversity of subjects in Dewey's philosophy and the present Dewey scholarship.Stefan Neubert - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich, John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
    This chapter describes the main themes of Dewey's approach. It examines some central philosophical topics from the impressive richness of Dewey's works and the comprehensive body of his writings, which fill thirty-seven volumes in the critical edition of the Collected Works. The chapter provides comments to a brief discussion of each topic, highlighting its importance as an element within Dewey's overall philosophical approach. The topics include “experience” as a philosophical core concept, theory of art, logic and theory of knowledge, anthropology (...)
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